It All Starts Here
Prof C.K. Gumaste, Prof. S.H. Wandrekar and Prof. V.G. Mhatre started the Academy of Architecture in 1955 as modest initiative to impart professional training in Architecture to aspiring students. It grew to become a Government Aided institutions receiving Grant- in Aid from Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State to conduct Diploma course in Architecture (G.D.Arch.) equivalent to Bachelor of Architecture with an intake of 60 students. It is the founding department of Rachana Sansad in 1960, which has since then emerged as a premier institution for art and design education in Mumbai. Since 1999 Academy of Architecture is affiliated to University of Mumbai & conducts the 5 Years course of Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.). Since 2009 Academy of Architecture has a self-financed section conducting the same course with an intake of 40 students: taking the overall Yearly intake of 100 students.
The core curriculum subject heads are Architectural Design, Allied Design, Architectural Building Construction and Material, Architectural Building Services, Architectural Representation and Documentation, Humanities, Environmental Studies, Theory and design of Structures and Architectural Theory. In addition to these there are choice based Elective courses and College Projects. Currently the course follows the semester and choice based credit system (CBCS) of the University of Mumbai, wherein the 6th and 10th semester examinations are conducted but the University of Mumbai, while the other semester evaluation is conducted by the college on behalf of the University. The students have to undergo mandatory professional training in the 8th semester.
Academy has always kept an open horizon continually looking at re-inventing its course delivery making it relevant to its times. Its strong core faculty is supported by a strong team of visiting and guest faculty to make sure that students are well aware of the professional world, its opportunities and challenges. Academy has won the prestigious Le Corbusier Trophy for the best school of Architecture in India at the Annual NASA (National Association of Students of Architecture) Convention 28 times out of the 50 odd times we participated.
Our graduates have done well in post-graduate studies in the best universities globally. You will find them in key positions as practising professionals but also in public and private sector, social work, education etc. It isn’t a coincidence that our alumni are among the leading architects in the country and the world over; Noshir Talati, Rumy Shroff, Hafeez Contractor, Ashok Korgaonkar, Sanjay Puri, Shimul Jhaveri-Kadri, Sameep Padora, Ravindra & Savita Punde, Ashiesh Shah… to name a few. We are sure that with passing years this list will only grow to make us proud and even more committed to delivering the highest standard of education to our students.